LaVerne DiSalvo

Interview Date: March 12, 1986
Interview Location: Narrator’s home, 8842 Menard, Morton Grove
Interviewer: Priscilla Godeman
Duration: 60 minutes


LaVerne DiSalvo was born in 1917 on Fernald Avenue in Morton Grove and has lived here all her life. LaVerne remembers many things about earlier Morton Grove when she was a child and teen growing up. She mentions the old businesses of Poehlmann’s Greenhouses, Brook’s Floral Shop, Frank’s Department Store, the local shoemaker and candy store the children would visit on a Sunday. During these particular years, the town had a fruit man, ice man, and coal man that LaVerne remembers coming through town for the service of the people.

In her remembrances of Morton Grove, LaVerne mentions many well-known local names of neighbors, classmates, and friends. She especially highlights the many forms of entertainment there was in Morton Grove. Among the activities mentioned are roller and ice skating, dances at St. Paul Park, church picnics, and the school festival held every year.
