These policies are official statements adopted and approved by our Board of Trustees.
Mission Statement
We provide the community a welcoming space with resources and experiences for personal growth, entertainment, and lifelong learning.
Approved by the Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees, February 8, 2024.
Vision Statement
Inspiring all to discover, dream, and connect.
Approved by the Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees, February 8, 2024.
Board Meeting Electronic Participation
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
Library Use (replaced the Patron Code of Conduct)
Loans, Renewals, Fines, and Services
Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults (replaced Children in the Library policy)
Profession-Based Policies
These policies, developed by the American Library Association, present the guiding principles of the library profession. Unless otherwise noted, these policies were adopted by the Morton Grove Public Library Board of Trustees in 1969 and reaffirmed in 1992.
Ethics Statement for Public Library Trustees